Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The devil called CHANGE...

Change is ineveitable but is it desirable?

Aren't certain things in life just nice the way they are? Why do we insist on change?Im perfectly happy when i react the same way as a 3 year old to a chocalate ice-cream or a surprise gift from a friend .Why do i need to be dignified and calm when i dont feel like it at all!!!
You would say i missed an important lesson in changing over from a kid to an adult over there...
But whats the big deal with this change anyway , why would you want to slowly kill a part of you that reacts perfectly normal to fit certain standards of society?

We call change a measure of growing up... is it really growing up or is it growing the inhibition within ourselves?We surely have changed a lot as children but there is no growing up here, its just a matter of altering yourself to behave as society does...

Can't we ever live life like we did in the past? Why does our present and future have to be different from the past? Why do we need to behave differently with the same people and situations in a different way, especially if the initial way was good?

I guess change is desirable only if it transforms you like it does to a flower bud and turns it to fully bloomed flower,doesnt alter your essence just enhances it.


PizzaDude said...

The last paragraph was a killer!

sarathy said...

I came across a beautiful quote regarding change.
"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. "

So change is not necessarily for the worse it can be for the better too.

You cannot live your teens in your twenties. Your twenties in your thirties and so on.

Aren't you happy with the most recent change in your life ? ;-)

C'mon. Its not that bad I guess.

Balaji said...

oh u know what....i like this one a lot...coz its my sentiments exactly....i hate change...never been fond of the adage ' change is for good' :)