I've been tagged to list the new 7 wonders of the world which i've already visited and 3 which i wud like to visit...
Well here's a sad one ...ive not visited any of the new 7 wonders...yep not even Taj Mahal ...
Well here's a sad one ...ive not visited any of the new 7 wonders...yep not even Taj Mahal ...
Now if i had to pick out 3 places in the list which i could visit it would be
Now if i had to pick out 3 places in the list which i could visit it would be
1. Machu Pichu in Peru definitely...
There is something about mysterious places and long lost civilisation concepts which pulls me..and of course the fact that it was an Inca civilisation settlement really intrigues me to visit that place.
2.Chichén Itzá,Mexico
Again mystery civisilation -Mayan civilisation this time...Mayan civilisation was considered to be phenomenally ahead of its times... would love to visit this place and have a look at everything these guys used before we even dreamt of it ...No idea how they got extinct...
3.And of course the Taj Mahal
Simply becuase i have to see it for myself and find out what the fuss is all about....and why its a crime that ive not visited it yet.